Some new reports suggest that the popular social media platform Twitter is testing a new feature for its users. According to the reports, the company is now testing encrypted conversation feature for those who want to communicate very confidential information with other individuals. Just like in the Telegram app, you can start a secret conversation from the user chat menu. All messages sent through the secret conversation shall stay as secure and end to end encrypted.
Since the internet privacy is the hottest topic out there, it is a good move by the company to adopt more privacy oriented features. Because unlike any other social media platforms, Twitter has more enterprise level users and high officials as users. So it makes more sense for the company to make a secret conversation feature. If you don’t know, WhatsApp and Telegram have already enabled encryption for their messages, which makes the platforms more secure and private.

This feature is currently under testing and is expected to release to the public soon. However, it was first revealed by a Twitter user named Jane Manchun Wong and he tweeted the screenshots of this feature. There are no big visual changes in the direct chats. But it shows a small notification, which says Secret Conversation. Twitter is also providing the support for encryption keys, which make the feature more useful for the privacy savvy users.

TechCrunch has reached out to Twitter for an official information about this feature. However, the company has declined to comment on this news. If you don’t remember, back in 2016, Edward Snowden requested this feature to Twitter CEO. The company CEO has shown interest in that suggestion. So maybe that’s the inspiration for this feature. However, it is now time for Twitter to make this smart move for the better future.