How To Choose The Right Color For Your Logo And Brand

Designing a logo for your e-commerce brand? The color has an important role to play when it comes to logo and branding. Here, we help you choose the right color for your organization’s logo so that you convey the right image to your customers.

Understanding color psychology is crucial when it comes to designing a logo. The human mind is highly responsive to visual stimuli from colors. Every color conveys a meaning, and that meaning differs from color to color.

Whether you’re planning to hire a designer to create your logo or you want to do it yourself, knowing color psychology can help a lot. Choosing colors for your logo isn’t easy, since you need to ensure that you pick the the right one. You’ll need to think beyond your favorite color and consider colors that you might not personally like, but would suit your brand better.

Let’s look at how this works.

Meaning Of Different Colors

When it comes to colors, every color, even black and white, has a different meaning. If you’re designing your logo yourself with a free logo creator, you need to choose colors carefully. Here are the meanings of some common colors:


  • Red


Red implies danger, passion, energy, aggression, heat, and warmth. Painting your logo red will convey a dynamic brand image.


  • Blue


Blue is a common color used in corporate logos (think Samsung, Intel). It implies seriousness, professionalism, sincerity, calmness, and integrity.


  • Yellow


Yellow has negative connotations and needs cautious use. At the same time, it’s warm and friendly color.


  • Orange


Orange signifies thinking and innovation. It’s the color of youth, implying fun and affordability.


  • Green


Green is generally preferred when the company has something to do with natural products. Other meanings include freshness and growth.


  • Pink


Pink is fun and flirty. It’s a very effeminate colour and ideal if you’re designing a logo for women’s products, like women’s clothes or beauty products.


  • Brown


Just like pink, brown is the color for men. It has a strong masculine connotation to it. It’s also associated with products related to rural life.


  • Purple


Purple is the color of royalty and luxury. It’s often associated with wealth and richness.


  • White


Simplicity, cleanliness, purity, and peace are the qualities of white. If you’re using a white logo, remember that it needs a colored background to be prominent. You’ll need to choose the background color so that your logo stands out.


  • Black


Black can be a confusing color. On one hand it denotes sophistication and power. On the other hand, it denotes death and negativity. Generally, every logo has a black and white version which needs to be used in media without color. But there’s also a current trend of using monochrome logos at the moment.

Which color you choose depends on what you want to convey about your brand. Knowing the color palette can help you take this decision.

Purpose Of Colors On Your Logo

The job of a logo’s colors are:

  • Every color has a different meaning. By using the right colors, you can easily convey your brand story
  • Giving your logo element a light and dark contrast so it becomes easy to remember
  • Creating visual appeal

Designing Tips

A logo is comprised of three elements—color, icon, and font. So, apart from the colors, you’ll also need to choose the right icon and font. Your job is to create a logo that has the right mix of all these elements.

Many people do the mistake of including every color that signifies a characteristic of their company, in the logo. This can clutter up the logo, making it look unappealing. What you need is a perfect blend of colors that complement each other.

If don’t have much idea about designing, it’s safe to stick to one color for your logo. Building a store has become easier than ever. Entrepreneurs are using platforms like Shopify to create their stores in just a few simple steps. Services like Shopify let you design your logo for free. Using multiple colors is recommended, but only if you intend to sell a wide range of products or services.

Your logo is just the image that people conjure in their head when they think about your brand. It’s the masthead that people think when they want to associate themselves with you. That’s why it’s important to have a good logo. It’s also important to remember that your first logo should last a long time. It’s a waste of time, and can be confusing to your customers if you keep updating your logo.


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