Now you can run Windows apps on Chromebook with a new tool

Crossover is basically a program that lets you run windows app on a non windows platform. There are many windows apps that you want to use on your android devices and Chromebook. Now this problem is solved and you can now run windows apps on your android phone or Chromebook. The developers have been working for the past three years to launch this program on android and now they have succeeded in doing it. This program will be available in play store but as a preview version.

The crossover program emulates windows interface on the android devices or Chromebook. The program is in preview version because the developers want to gain feed back and use it to improve the program. With cross over you can use multiple windows app with out any problem and at the same time you can use your mobile apps too.

The major problem is that this program is only available for intel based devices which are amazingly
If you find this program interesting please use it and help the developers in improving the program. Let us know what you think about this program in the comment section.

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